Downtown Knoxville, Tennessee Engagement Session – Stephanie and Stephen

This couple is officially the most chill couple I’ve ever worked with. I feel like I can truly say that based on our experience shooting them in Downtown Knoxville, Tennessee…We had a whole plan for their session. We were going to go to all the places that they had begun dating that were special to them. The parks where they fell in love with each other! But none of us knew there was a HUGE festival happening the day we had scheduled their session. The city was crawling with sooo many people and every spot we had planned to shoot at was blocked off or way too crowded to even think about shooting in. I always like to get to my sessions a little earlier than my clients, just to scope out the surrounding areas and to find the best spots to shoot before we even get started. So when I arrived, I immediately let them know the situation. They were FINE, better then fine! They weren’t stressed at all!! They trusted that I would still be able to capture them in this beautiful city, even if it was crowded and not at the spots we had planned. Which quickly put my mind at ease. I scouted some other areas that were far away from the crowds and we ended up making some beautiful magic in spite of things not going according to plan. It was such a gift for me to have a client's trust like that! Which proves that I have THE BEST clients. No further questions please :)


Jodie + Remington Joshua Tree


Dylan + Jocelynn Down At The River